#104 – Recompense

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Palm flat.  Hand turned up.  He’s waiting for you.

Don’t reach out too fast.  Don’t seem desperate: make him wait for it.  Listen to the crowd and let the moment breathe.  Let it happen.

Step away.  Hear the hiss of air through ten thousand sets of teeth.  Don’t smile at it – remember who you are.

There it is,… the boos have started, spreading through the arena like a virus.  Glorious.

Now is the time. Step back through the ropes.

An hour of agony and blood.  A smile between secret friends.

“Hellava match, man.  Hellava match,….”

“Same time tomorrow?”

(c) Tim Austin 2016.  Image by Martin Kníže via Unsplash.

So this is my take on the word “Recompense”, what’s yours?  Write your own and pop me a link!  And if you’d like to suggest a word for me to use as a title, please do!

Today’s word was suggested by Marple25Mary – a short story writer and connoisseur who can be found at https://marple25mary.wordpress.com/.  Say hello.

2 thoughts on “#104 – Recompense

    marple25mary said:
    December 16, 2016 at 3:45 am

    Great short story. I love it. Will post on my site. Thank you so much for writing it. 🙂


    marple25mary said:
    December 16, 2016 at 3:49 am

    Reblogged this on It's All In Perception.


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