
Vote for Your Favourite of the Last Week

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As promised, I’ll be doing an audio reading of the most popular short story of this last week,… so, what is it to be?  Read them again – from “Ache” to “Burden”.  Let me know which one appealed to you the most and I’ll put it to words.

Here they all are: AcheOrbTermiteRainbowKnifeSehnsuchtBurden

#1 – Door

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His heart racing, Philip pressed his ear against the wood.  The sob came again: aching and abandoned.  In the dark of the alleyway Philip trembled, his blood pulsing in his ears as a man with the crowbar looked on.  “Move along, there’s nothing to see.”  Still the blood pumped loud, Philip’s heart thundering.  Another sob whispered at the wood, a scream following, trapped within. “I said move along.”  There was a slap of metal against flesh.  Philip’s tear-stained eyes closed tight, his warrant card clattering to the floor.  Slowly, he turned and stepped away.

(c) Tim Austin 2016

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 I’m looking for awesome words to write stories on – tweet them using the hashtag #onewordonestory and I’ll credit you with the inspiration!

Introducing One Word One Story

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I’m sure most of you reading this have come across “Word Association”.  Usually used by psychiatrists, it’s the technique where you say a word and the other person says the first word that springs to mind.

For me, it’s images.  I see a word and an image forms – it’s one of the reasons that I enjoy writing so much.

So what would happen if I took those images and wrote the first story that springs to mind based on that image?  Well, that’s the challenge I’m setting myself with this blog.

One Word: One Story,… every day for the next 365 days of 2016/17.

Yes, I’m a bit crazy.  But let’s see what shakes loose!

The rules:

Just one word each day: picked at random or donated via Twitter or Facebook.

No thinking: write the story as it happens.  Leave it.  Return to it and edit it a little a few hours later without changing the core of the tale.

100 words:  That’s all I have to tell each story – a maximum word count of 100 words.  I can make it shorter but not longer.

The first story will appear above Tomorrow at 3pm and every day at 3pm every day at 7.30am GMT from then on out.  Send me any words you want me to write about – I’ll be compiling a list of “Used” words on another tab.

Subscribe to the blog (It’s the “Follow” button that’s floating to the bottom right of your screen) and get notified of every story!  It only takes a second.  Hit that button and start reading as I start writing.

Tim x